Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hello Everyone, Saying it's been a while is certainly an understatement!
Lots has happened in the past years.  In brief, I re-located to another state, for the time being.  My heart is still in the west and the unbearable climate  and strangeness of this place has only strengthened my resolve.  At times I feel I'm in a parallel universe here, though I am thankful for some educational opportunities and some new acquaintances who make it tolerable.
     Talking of education, I have returned to university after so many years to  hopefully finally finish my degree.  The return to university is one of the few bright spots, I adore campus atmosphere; always have.   However, the lack of work is frightening.  I have had a couple of temporary, part-time jobs including a very brief stint ghost-blogging and hope more writing jobs, or any job for tat matter will soon come along.
        Last year, I was lucky enough to be able to happily spend part of the summer in Colorado if not New Mexico.
 Summer was almost all about a very tough maths class, it brought me to tears on more than one occasion and decreased my average a bit, though I'm still in the honors range. Lesson learned: Sometimes just passing a class is all that is necessary, and that I needn't be so hard on myself all the time.  I've always been a worrier,
 I'll try to upload some artwork later.
What I'm reading for fun. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman since I'm currently 11th in the queue for Ocean at the End of the Lane for download from the library, and have just finished re-reading Graveyard fir the third time,  Also got caught up on some Sci-Fi books and television shows.  Look forward to the new season of Grimm, online in October,  I don't have a television, but re watched some episodes online before the semester started last week.

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