New comfy cotton tees to supplement my summer wadrobe:

I met with the surgeon yesterday, Tuesday. Surgery is scheduled for June 23rd, a Monday. I expect to be in hospital for a couple of days. Since I try to be a girl who sees the glass as half full, I'm thinking about all the guilt free knitting and sketching I'll be able to do (hopefully,) whilst recovering :).
Rain, rain and more rain ! I hear it's been the same on the west coast. There is flooding in much of the Midwest.

I hung out this load of wash before lunch on Sunday, It was sunny, and very hot, so I was lulled into thinking the heavy rains from the previous days had ended. Within an hour the laundry was soaking wet. The sun came out again, then it stormed again. Well suffice it to say, it was Monday afternoon before they were dry, but on the up side, they smelled even fresher.
We enjoy listening to NPR (public radio), especially on Sunday afternoons, when we listen to Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion. This Sunday, Martin Sheen again was guest star; one of my particular favourites, and singer Bonnie Rait sang as well as participated in the some hilarious skits. Guy Noir and Powder Milk Biscuits are also favourite bits. This photo from a previous appearance

I've been using my 15 year old bread maker lately. I've aways liked the convenience, the breads are delicious hot from the maker, and the dough program is great ( though small if you need to make more than 10 rolls) when one doesn't feel like kneading. However, it tends to darken the crust a bit unless I'm at home to turn it off before the last 5 minutes.
This was a white bread with half a cup of applesauce added for moistness:
Hot, humid weather calls for a cool three bean salad with fresh seasonings.
In our perennial garden, the irises and daisys have started to bloom, and I think the peonies in the back will will open this coming week. Fragrant bouquets for the bedroom and around the house. Our quad county Iris society had the annual show on Saturday, but it was too far to travel (last year it was in our town, and my first bouquet entry got an honorable mention) because of the pain, plus we had other plans.
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