In an effort to hurry spring, (As if I can, *giggle*)I bought and inexpensive pair of pink plaid tennis shoes, ( Since our trips southwest are to be a bi-yearly event, not having a break this year makes the cold seem unbearable) I will wear them about the house tomorrow. (Of course I will put on appropriate footwear if I go outside, but allow me my delusions. ) What next? An indoor picnic perhaps?
We decided to exchange the light fixture. While the new one is not as artistically pleasing, (The first was a curved, brushed nickel and glass affair) This

I am getting a new task lamp for the worktop as well, similar to the one on my art desk I think. I would like to splurge on an Ott light some day, but I do like the kind I already have.
We are nearing the end of this project. I will try to take a more photos when we do.
I'm in search of the right cupboard for the sewing machine/recycle bin, as the floor space is just under the standard 24”inches on that side. The washing machine cannot be moved over any more, due to the placement of the outlet pipes and the water hoses.
On the other side, we need the room to get to the water heater. However, There is just enough room on the upper left for a cupboard, and the new flooring will be laid in the next two weeks or so, I hope.
I hadn’t done any book binding in a while, so I made this mini sketch boo

The inspiration came from a travel size sketch book given me by my friend for my last birthday, which is quite handy. I may use the same cloth to make a mini scrapbook for hubby’s b’day next month. He has a collection of photos of motor cycles he’s owned, and of ones on his wish list, so I thought I would make a sort of album for him.
A fresh batch of small, plain origami boxes for gift wrapping :

My fellow Etsyan mikish has a second shop for her handmade totes here: http://mikishmink.etsy.com/
We both seem to have a fondness for sewing graphic and colourful totes.